Tips To Increase Smartphone's 🔋 Battery life

Hi.. friends I am back with another blog . In this I will tell you how can you increase your Smartphone's Battery life. 

    So , without wasting any time let's get started . 

Here are the tips :-

1. Background Data :-

     Friends today's smartphones are so smart that they use our battery so smartly without our permission and it causes the battery draining so fast.

To disable it here are the steps :-

  • First open your phone's setting app.

  •  After that , you have to click on battery icon.

  • Then a battery saver option will apear to you and you have to click that option .

 # To do these steps watch the vedio given below :-

Hurray ! You have save your Smartphone's Battery for a little longer.

2. Disable or Uninstall Unwanted Apps  :-
    Friends , some unwanted  apps we install or we get in our phones while purchasing except *GOOGLE* are very dangerous for our Smartphone's Battery. They run their own purposes in the phones background without our permission and this causes the draining of battery too  fast.
    So let's see how to disable those apps :-
  • First , long press on that app which you want to disable.

  • After that , a option on the app will popup as *Uninstall* in which any app you can delete from your phone and *App Info* option through which you can remove those apps which can't be uninstall from the phone . 

  • You have to click the *App Info* option and you will be redirected into settings app . There you will see a *disable* and *force stop* option. Click both of them.

"Congrats, you saved your battery    life" 

3. There are various other things you can do to increase your battery usage such as :-
  • Always switch off  'internet' after use.
  • Switch off the 'location' service because it runs in the background and drains the battery very fast.
  • Don't operate your phone while charging as it damage your battery life.
   Friends if you want to read it in           hindi I will put a "translator" sidebar.

                        Ok Friends bye. 
    Hope you will like this blog .
         " Always keep smiling "